Our First Field Trip!
I just received confirmation from Steve Christo, Director of the Frisoli Youth Center that he will give us a tour on Saturday, December 10th @ 1 pm. Whoever is available to attend can meet at my house @ 12:15 and we can head down there together. Leave a comment at the bottom of this post if you are able to attend and whether you would like to carpool or meet us down there.
Steve indicated that he would be happy to entertain any questions we had about the planning and design process for the youth center and about anything else we can think of. I will be formulating a list of questions that I will email to him. If anyone has anything that they would like to add to this list, please forward them to my email or leave a comment below the post.
The green marker on the map points to 61 Willow Street.
John: Please invite Pastor Ray and anyone else who you think would be interested in this field trip.